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Redhaven Peach--- The "Gold Standard" of peaches!
Prunus persica 'Redhaven'
Redhaven on Standard (Lovell) root - Extra Large 5/8" up caliper grade
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- » The "gold standard!"
Grandpa's Choice(TM) Redhaven peach is a must have for any backyard orchard. It has replaced Elberta as the standard to compare all peaches to. When Grandpa first saw Redhaven, he couldn't wait to test it, and found that it met and surpassed all his expectations at the time. Redhaven ripens early in the season and is usually freestone, although some years it can be a little "clingy". It has a wonderful red color over a yellow background. The flesh is yellow with a little red near the pit. It is juicy, sweet, and very tasty. The tree is one of the more hardy varieties, very productive, and has good resistance to bacteria spot. Can be used for all purposes.
Redhaven was introduced in 1940 by the famous Dr. Stanley Johnston of Michigan State University who revolutionized eastern peach growing with the "Haven" series of peaches. Redhaven was a "quantum leap" in peach breeding.
One of the easiest and tastiest of peaches to grow. The tree is open, spreading and vigorous. Requires heavy thinning as it sets a lot of fruit. Thin to 8-10" apart on last years growth. Remove older spurry growth to promote vigorous growth and large size fruit. Trim annually. Spray for leaf curl and brown rot.
- Height
- 15
- Spread
- 15
- Zone
- 5-8
- Color
- Dark red
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