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Veteran Peach

Prunus persica 'Veteran'
Veteran Peach on Standard (Bailey) root - Small 3/8 -7/16" caliper grade
  • Summary
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Veteran peach is a "old-timer" well known for its extreme cold hardiness, even in the chilly Midwest areas where peaches are hard to grow. It is an excellent canner as well as an excellent tasting fresh eating peach. Its is a medium large, golden yellow fruit with hardly any red. It ripens in late mid-season in late August. It's not much to look at, but is a good one for the backyard fruit grower who wants to try growing peaches in a cold area.

Veteran was bred in Canada and introduced in 1928. Because it requires over 1000 hours of chilling before it will bloom, it has proven itself to set crops in colder areas where winter likes to "hang on".

Almost all peaches are self-fertile and require no pollinators. They will set heavy crops on single trees, which need heavy and aggressive thinning early in the season for best fruit size. Maintain good vigor in peaches by pruning every year, and fertilizing moderately. Aim for 1-3 feet of new growth a year. Fertilize early in the season, so that growth is well hardened off before fall and winter cold weather.

Cold Hardy Varieties