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Pristine® Apple

Malus domestica 'Pristine®'
Pristine(R) Apple on Semi-Dwarf (EMLA 7) root - Large 1/2 - 5/8" caliper grade
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  • »  Pristine® is one of the easiest early apples to grow in the garden.

Grandpa's Nature Friendly™ Pristine® is one of the best early disease resistant varieties for the garden. It is a very early ripening yellow apple that resembles Yellow Transparent in appearance, but is much firmer, less acid, and better eating. The fruit is yellow, very smooth, and attractive. It keeps well on and off the tree for several weeks. The fruit is tasty and quite firm and crisp for being so early. It ripens early in August, just after Lodi.

Pristine® is another of the famous disease resitant varieties to come out of the "Co-op" program. It was introduced as Co-op 32 in 1994 by Purdue.

Pristine® is immune to apple scab, and moderately resistant to fire blight. It also has resistance to cedar apple rust and powdery mildew. Pristine® is a very early bearing tree and will produce prodigious crops of medium-small apples if not thinned early and heavily. It is one of the easiest of trees to take care of. It blooms late in the season, so pollinate with other late blooming varieties.

Disease Resistant Varieties